Newsletter June 2011


The AGM is being held on a Saturday evening in the hope that some of you who have children will be able to attend. After the meeting, we will have a glass of wine (soft drinks and ice cream for the kids) and some nibbles. The only business on the agenda will be to approve the accounts, approve the re-­‐worked constitution and elect a committee.

To this end, we are inviting offers and suggestions from those who would be willing to serve on the committee. We are very much hoping that we can have a representative from each street (road or grove). This way the load can be shared and we can be sure of lots of input. Please put your names forward before the AGM to me at the usual email address. (see below)

Our thanks to those 34 households who responded to going paper free. Your support is much appreciated. If you would like to join in with trying to be more environmentally friendly and are happy to just get an email copy, please email with your name and address to wanda@two-­‐

Two recent events to report on. We had a fabulous wine tasting at Augustin’s wine shop on Ezra Street. We were treated to 6 examples of French wines with small tapas to accompany them. JHERA has bought some bottles of the most popular wines to have at the AGM.

Then, despite the weather, we had a wonderful Big Lunch picnic. The share table was absolutely laden with food. Our thanks to Sophie who organized it and to all those special people who helped in so many ways. Without you these events would not run nearly so smoothly.

Aine Ovenden did the face painting.
Races were organised by Ben Fletcher and Rob Newlan
Bunting came from Martin Orton .
Lemonade was made by Jessie and Damian Mlinaric, with Magnus and Stella Ice-­‐creams organised by Vanessa Kirkpatrick – it almost persuaded us the sun was shining.
Carol Lindsay-­‐Smith was the champion rubbish-­‐lady ensuring the green was left tidier than it started.
Tony Tedore created the food quiz and
Naomi Howarth drew the lovely leaflets with picnic games.
And thank goodness we were saved from the rain by Olivier Geoffroy’s amazing marquee

The choice for the winner of the poster competition was very difficult and we gave special commendations to 92 and 94 Barnet Grove, 8 and 18 Elwin Street,

Milagros and 79 Columbia Road and 57 Quilter Street. All these households had made wonderful and interesting interpretations. However, the prize goes to Ellen of 59 Quilter Street.

The quiz was won by The Cheeseboard. Email if you want the answers.

There were several local shops that supported the event and our sincere thanks go to Mak’s (Joe’s) News, Suck & Chew, the Royal Oak and Keeping House.

Please post your photos on

And now, back to business:
Below is the re-­‐worked constitution:


The objectives of the Association shall be:

1. To promote and improve housing conditions and the environment on the estate. 2. To encourage community spirit and organise social activities.
3. To represent the interests of the residents in consultation with other bodies.

Membership shall be open to anyone living on the Jesus Hospital estate whether home owner or renting. Associate membership is also open to anyone living in the nearby environs.

On joining, each member will be issued a membership card.

It shall be a condition of membership that members at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or events of the Association.

Any member may be excluded for breach of this condition or for any other conduct contravening the objectives of the Association by a majority of those present and voting at any General
meeting. Any member thus excluded shall have a right of appeal to the following General meeting.

All members shall pay the subscription determined by the Annual General Meeting of the Association

Accounts shall be kept and audited annually of all the Association funds.

All money raised by the Association shall be used only in accordance with the Association’s objectives and with the approval of a majority of the committee.

The committee will be formed by representatives from each street who will be voted in at an AGM. There will be no more than 2 representatives from each street. Each rep will stand for no more than 2 years before having to be re-­‐proposed for the position. Each rep must attend no fewer than 2 committee meetings or one third of all meetings called.

This committee will have the power of co-­‐option and may temporarily appoint a replacement

officer in the event of a replacement being needed before the next AGM.

The officers shall meet as necessary and not less than 4 times each year to discuss matters of business. A report of the Committees actives shall be given to the General meeting

All committee members will have automatic household membership of JHERA

There shall be no less than 4 General meetings each year of all members of the
Association. Decisions taken at the General meeting shall be binding to the officers. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of members present and voting. Voting is restricted to members only.

Special meetings shall be called by the Secretary at the request of the majority of officers or by a written request of not less than 12 member households of the estate.

There shall be an AGM at which the Treasurer will present the audited accounts of the Association for the previous year; the Officers shall be elected for the next year and any motions given to the Secretary not less than 7 days in advance of the meeting shall be discussed

The quorum for all General meetings and the AGM shall be a third of the membership or 15 members, whichever is the less.

Notice of all meetings shall be sent to each household giving details of the time, date and place.

The Association shall form committees on specific subjects when appropriate and such committees shall report to the General meeting. The Chair will be ex-­‐officic on all such committees.

A General meeting may dissolve any committee formed as above

Any member delegated to represent the Association on another body shall be accountable to and report to the General meeting and Officers.

The Association may affiliate to any organization whose objectives may be of benefit to the membership.

Changes to the constitution must be given to the Secretary 14 days before the meeting where such changes will be discussed. Any alteration will need the support of 2⁄3 of those present and voting at the meeting.

If the Association no longer functions or exists and 10 members of the Association decide that the Association be dissolved, they must give 14 days notice to all those eligible for membership of the meeting where the matter will be discussed. The quorum does not apply in these circumstances and the Association may be dissolved by a 2⁄3 majority of those present.

Remaining funds may be used for any purpose benefitting the community which the meeting may decide.


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