Bethnal Green Health Centre – Garden Project

In autumn of 2017, Rex Thornborough got to hear about the wild patch of land at the back of the local GP surgery. He could see there was potential to turn it into a garden for enjoyment of staff and patients and he drew a plan to create a small scale physic garden. At JHERA’s AGM in 2017 he described the project, asked for a show of hands as to how many JHERA members are patients at BGHC – big majority – and then proposed that, as a way of appreciating the good care that so many of us get, JHERA could make a donation towards the costs of getting it going. A donation of up to £600 was unanimously agreed.

Unfortunately pressure of other big projects prevented Rex from directly working on the garden. But with help of an experienced gardener from Hackney City Farm (Rita A) and a few patient volunteers, the garden is taking shape. Up to now progress has relied on loaned or donated tools, hardware and plants. But its now at a stage where JHERA’s donation is needed to buy essential hardware and plants.

It would save money for future use if any JHERA members could donate anything on the garden shopping list (below). Please leave a comment below of email [email protected] if you have any offers – or if you are interested in getting involved on the ground.

BGHC Garden Shopping list April 2018
The list shows what is needed to progress work now. It’s based on ideas from Rex’s original plans + input from Rita from Hackney City Farm, taking account of soil conditions and the way the sun and light falls. Further ideas have come from patient volunteers.

    Seccateurs x 2
    Hand trowel &fork set
    2 watering cans with 2 rose head sizes
    Yard brush for cleaning up hard areas, leaves etc.
    Leaf grabber. (with handles to minimise bending)
    Water butt already sourced but pipe and fittings still needed.
    Replacement fitting for existing hose.
    MJ Relam panic bolt replacement fittings to make both gates secure x 2.
    Plastic membrane (approx 4 c m. to put down in cleared area under trees.)
    Woodchip for newly cleared area.
    Soil & compost for filling planters, starting seeds, cuttings, re-potting. 6 – 8 bags multi purpose
    . Wild flower & grass seed. Medium package
    More herbs inc. Sage, lemon balm, marjoram Rosemary etc? To fill in existing beds and alongside left hand fence (incorporating ideas from Rex’s plan)
    Various seasonal flowering bulbs inc bluebells to go under trees.
    Various seasonal bedding plants for planters and beds. (some already donated)
    Budddleia & Rosa Galicia to go along back wall. (Rex suggestions) (metal fence already in place to support them.) Suggestions for other climbers to fill in space along back wall & left hand fence
    *** clematis montana.. (Not evergreen) good in shade, grows fast..
    *** Jasmine Nudiflorum. Flowers through the winter…
    *** Honeysuckle L. henryi (evergreen) fast growing or Lonicera Japonica
    Bird feeder. Bird boxes (hoping someone will make them, Bird Food.
    Worms for wormery. (already set up in donated wormery!)

A number of tools, planters, woodchip, 2 compost bins, wormery,and variety of plants have already been donated. Anything else donated will save money for future plants and shrubs.


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One comment

  1. There’s lots of lemon balm in the Jesus green herb garden, and I’d be happy to dig some out. I also have a spare bird feeder.

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