After the meeting that JHERA held on the Liveable Streets proposals as presented by LBTH, representatives of residents and tenants associations within the Bethnal Green catchment area met.
We discussed the concerns that residents had expressed at our various group meetings and were given a presentation of an alternative plan devised by Amanda Reynolds, a professional Urban Architect and Designer who lives in the area, at which appropriate design principles were outlined and clarified.
Given the short time frame of the consultation, none of us has had the opportunity to canvas our constituencies about this alternative view. We have, however, presented the idea to LBTH to feed into their considerations as something we felt addressed many of the issues raised by residents, not least of these the planned reduction of emissions around the schools in the area which it is felt this proposal strengthens.
If there is a need in the future this may play part of the ongoing development of the changes to our streets, but for now this is for information only.
Notes for the submission made to LBTH are here (Word doc 24KB), and the content of the short presentation is here (PDF 660KB)