Committee members

We’ve added a new page to the site with the names and photos of the JHERA committee members. See here. Some details still to collect that we’ll hopefully fill in soon.

Proposed Constitution

We have a new draft constitution! You can view it here. At the 2015 JHERA AGM the committee agreed to bring an updated version of the Constitution to the 2016 meeting. The area has changed greatly since the inception of the organisation and, although it had been updated over the years, it was felt that… Continue reading Proposed Constitution

Categorised as Committee

Want to be a JHERA Committee member?

We are looking for more members on the JHERA committee. The committee tends to meet once every two months and meetings last about 1.5 hours. Discussions can be robust, but meetings are always followed by a friendly drink. Between meetings business is conducted via email, so email access is essential to being a fully functioning… Continue reading Want to be a JHERA Committee member?